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Our Mission / Our Philosophy / Our Strategy


OTTIMA plus declares its professional, unbiased and influenced approach to inspections carried out in the field of rail transport risk management in its business activities.?Ensuring the declared quality and reliability of inspection activities and their results are achieved by applying quality management system rules in accordance with the requirements of the international standard PN-EN ISO / IEC 17020, ILAC P15: 07/2016 and the requirements of the Polish Accreditation Center and the provisions of the EU Commission Implementing Regulation No. 402/2013.?The priority of our proceedings as a third party is the credibility of the results of the inspections while striving to simultaneously meet the requirements and expectations of the customers with regard to their level of service. These goals are achieved through the standardization of our activities based on standardized testing procedures and internally agreed and approved procedures for carrying out inspection activities.?Our business is characterized by a high sense of responsibility, which is based on the staff’s awareness of the nature and importance of inspections.?Our values ??that characterize our approach are ethics, honesty, competence-based diligence, and the confidentiality of the information we collect while meeting the legal requirements, auditing requirements, and internal regulations. We declare the implementation of this quality policy, the impartiality of the action and the pursuit of higher standards of performance and effectiveness, and, in turn, full involvement and necessary technical and financial support for professional customer service.