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OTTIMA Plus Sp. z o.o. AsBo

Assessment Body OTTIMA is a specialized organizational unit composed of a group of professionals operating in rail transport. A wide range of accreditation allows us to carry out unlimited inspections of complex rail transport projects.

We provide full professionalism, independence and impartiality of our inspection activities. We carry out inspections in Poland and abroad.

We use authoritative, accredited solutions to carry out inspections of the valuation and risk assessment processes in rail transport.

The OTTIMA plus Inspection Body was the first in Poland to receive Accreditation Certificate No. AK 022 for the AsBo.

OTTIMA plus met the requirements of independence and impartiality in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN ISO / IEC 17020. It has set up a railway inspection department to provide independent assessment services on the adequacy of the risk management process. The OTTIMA plus inspection body fulfills the criteria listed in Annex II to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 402/2013 of 30 April 2013. On a joint independent evaluation of valuation safety?And risk assessment and repealing Regulation (EC) No 352/2009. The OTTIMA plus inspection body meets all the requirements of ISO / IEC 17020: 2012 ? with its subsequent amendments. By carrying out the inspections specified in this standard, the OTTIMA plus inspection body is guided by professional judgment.

The OTTIMA plus inspection body meets both the general criteria for competence and independence contained in the aforementioned standard as well as the specific criteria for competence:

  •  Competence in risk management: knowledge and improvement?In terms of standard security analysis techniques and relevant standards;
  •  All relevant competence to evaluate the elements of the rail system affected by the change;
  •  Competence in the proper application of safety and quality management systems or audit systems management;

OTTIMA plus ensures that inspection is maintained within the inspection unit?Control:

  • Organizations –  independent mechanisms, to ensure a coordinated approach to ensuring system security by the entity’s understanding and application of risk management measures for subsystems;
  • Methodologies –  assessment of methods and resources used by various stakeholders to support subsystem and system security;
  •  Technical aspects necessary to assess the relevance and completeness of the risk assessment and the level of safety with regard to the system as a whole.